Saturday, December 6, 2014

Fall Finds #3

The Keene, NH bottle show is always an exciting event, and I was quite happy with my finds. A Frank P. Casey North Smithfield, RI amber blob was the only unlisted bottle I came across. This example has an oval slugplate, as opposed to the two listed examples with round slugplates.

A Hazard, Hazard & Co. Chemist New York & Newport round medicine turned out to be an unlisted version. Newport is one word (the other spells it New Port), and there is a period after Newport. 

The Little Rhody Bottle Club's fall tailgate show was a great success, with excellent weather and lots of buying and selling. I was excited to pick up a Houle Bros. Pawtucket, RI blob. The only documented Houle Bros. bottle is etched, so this is the first know embossed example!

I seem to be on a role when it comes to McKenna & Conaty/ Bernard Conaty bottles. A McKenna & Conaty Providence, RI crown top surfaced at the last Little Rhody Bottle Club tailgate show. That makes two unlisted McKenna & Conaty crown tops!

Also present at the tailgate was a P.H. Corbett Newport, RI etched wine. A scarce bottle to begin with, the etched version had to come home with me!