Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Winter Finds #8

I'm sure you are tired of seeing blogs with "winter finds" still appearing, but rest assured this is the last one!

I was excited to finally obtain a green Bell Bottling Co. Providence seltzer. Colored seltzers from RI are considerably harder to find than clear ones, and are usually offered at exorbitant prices to the home decorator crowd.

If you think I am done with Otis Clapp & Son bottles, guess again! A large 8-3/4” rectangular example surfaced on ebay. This shape and size is normally found with a fancy glass top with inside screw threads. This plain cork top was a newcomer!

I was eyeballing an Antonio Gasbarro Providence crown top on ebay. I only have one crown top version, so I picked it up. Turns out it was an unlisted version with a comma after Providence. It is possible that the online listing of RI-1035 is just a poor description of this bottle.

Another common bottle in an uncommon color was a green Dybalas Spring Bottling Works Woonsocket, RI. It turned out not only to be an unlisted color, but also an unlisted 7oz. size.

Also with the Dybala was a base embossed Sherba Beverage Co. This West Barrington, RI based company was one of the most successful bottling companies from the East Bay part of RI. No base embossed examples are listed.